
Our production

Allelektronik is one of Regin’s key suppliers as contract manufacturer of electronics. The highly automated and efficient production is based in Sweden.

Allelektronik Hultsfred
Storgatan 141
577 34 Hultsfred

About Allelektronik i Hultsfred

Allelektronik, founded 1975, is an expert of efficient production of electronics for building automation. The production facility in Hultsfred is to a large extent automated and delivers high quality and precision. Allelektronik produce over 700 different electronic products in close collaboration with the customer. In March 2023 Regin acquired Allelektronik

The company has approximately 30 employees and is based in Hultsfred, Sweden.

“The acquisition of Allelektronik creates a more resilient supply chain with high delivery precision, quality and flexibility for our customers. In addition, Allelektronik strengthens our production capacity in Sweden which is an important part of our sustainability work to shorten transportations to customers.”